University of Maribor
Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics
Come to the Department of Biology and choose from the following study programs:

- Undergraduate university programme Biology
- Undergraduate university programme Ecology with nature conservation
- Single-major master’s study programme BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY WITH NATURE CONSERVATION
- Doctoral Study Ecological Sciences
- Five-year master’s degree program Subject Teacher
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Study at the Department of Biology
Biology and ecology are among those basic natural sciences and sciences that have recently experienced a rapid boom and are gaining increasing social importance. We can say that they are among the fastest growing natural sciences. The Department of Biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has also reaped many successes in recent years in the field of research, pedagogical activities and project activities, and the number of study programs has significantly increased and enriched.
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Mangart, tam kje murke cveto, tam ... 🏔️🌺Kopiram objavo Žana Cenca. Hvala Žan za lepe fotografije! ... See MoreSee Less

Mangart, tam kje murke cveto, tam ... 🏔️🌺Kopiram objavo Žana Cenca. Hvala Žan za lepe fotografije!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Prijetno druženje z živalmi ob ustreznem vodenju lahko za vedno spremeni odnos otrok do njih. Naj bo vselej lep in spoštljiv. Vivarij FNM so obiskali učenci OŠ Maks Durjava. ... See MoreSee Less

Prijetno druženje z živalmi ob ustreznem vodenju lahko za vedno spremeni odnos otrok do njih. Naj bo vselej lep in spoštljiv. Vivarij FNM so obiskali učenci OŠ Maks Durjava.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Povej mi in pozabil bom. Nauči me in zapomnil si bom. Vključi me in naučil se bom. (B. Franklin) Dijaki II. gimnazije Maribor na obisku v vivariju FNM. ... See MoreSee Less

Povej mi in pozabil bom. Nauči me in zapomnil si bom. Vključi me in naučil se bom. (B. Franklin) Dijaki II. gimnazije Maribor na obisku v vivariju FNM.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Trnovski gozd ... See MoreSee Less

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