General Information

Biology is a fundamental natural and progressive science whose findings contribute decisively not only to the dissemination of knowledge about living things, but also to the transfer of knowledge to other applied sciences such as biotechnology, medicine, agriculture, and environmental protection. . We can conclude that without quality knowledge about biology and related life sciences, it is not possible to make quality decisions at personal and societal levels. Therefore, society needs quality teachers who can demonstrate not only technical and pedagogical knowledge in their field, but also skills such as critical thinking, mastery of technologies, and their own developmental and research work from the distance of a critical practitioner.

The vision of the Chair of Didactics of Biology can be summarised in one sentence: “With excellence, we want to become one of the highest quality institutions in biology teacher education, professional and research work in biology education, and participation in the social events of education.”

Thus, at the Chair of Didactics of Biology, we realize the set vision:

1. in the field of training future biology teachers, we carry out at the Chair of Didactics of Biology the pedagogical-didactical topics of the module Biological Education of the program Subject Teacher. In this module we train future biology teachers so that they can be proud of their work in the classroom. At the same time, we equip them with knowledge that will enable them to treat nature with respect and transfer knowledge from school to the home environment.

Like children who need to walk to be able to run, the Biology Chair first prepares students to teach using traditional work methods. However, as the development of engineering and technology increases daily and has been present in biology classes for some time, we proudly teach students digital and information technology skills.

Before graduation, we also introduce students to scientific and research work so that they are eager to participate in student and other domestic and overseas projects where they acquire additional skills for a successful teaching career. Some students, under the guidance of a mentor during their studies, manage to write their first scientific or professional article or. participate in international conferences, which is a great journey and an even better reference for employment.

The team of the Chair strongly encourages students to have an international exchange during their studies, as we are aware that abroad they will not only gain additional knowledge or a different view of the content, but also life experiences that they will use in their daily practice.

2. In the field of scientific research, we successfully conduct research in many areas of biological and science education and do not limit ourselves to them. The main areas of research are the effective use of digital technologies in education and teaching in social and environmental sciences. We like to involve students in our research, making them authors and co-authors of scientific and professional papers published in high quality journals and international conferences. We lead or are involved in many national and international projects through which we develop and transfer knowledge to the international environment. Prof. Šorgo is also a visiting professor at Charles University in the Czech Republic.


Examples of publishing articles and conferences in collaboration with students:

  • ŠORGO, Andrej, HERIC, Jasmina. Motivational and demotivational factors affecting a teacher’s decision on whether to do research. CEPS journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, ISSN 1855-9719, 2020, vol. 10, no. 3, str. 77-97.
  • ŠPUR, Natalija, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, ŠORGO, Andrej. Influence of experience, interest, knowledge and learning source on children’s attitudes towards extensive grassland conservation. Environmental conservation, 2020, str. 1-8, doi: 10.1017/S0376892920000119.
  • ŠPUR, Natalija, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, ŠORGO, Andrej. Influence of attitudinal dimensions on children’s interest in preserving extensive grasslands. Journal of Rural Studies, 2019, vol. 72, str. 23-36, doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.09.011.
  • ŠPUR, Natalija, ŽUNIČ GOMBOC, Ksenija, ŠORGO, Andrej. Public acceptability of measures to prevent from predation on commercial fish by the endangered Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Natura 2000. Journal for nature conservation, vol. 44, str. 21-32, ilustr., doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2018.06.002.
  • ŠORGO, Andrej, ŠILING, Rebeka. Fragmented knowledge and missing connections between knowledge from different hierarchical organisational levels of reproduction among adolescents and young adults. CEPS journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2017, vol. 7, no. 1, str. 69-91.
  • ŠORGO, Andrej, MILER, Barbara. Development and validation of acceptability of actions involving use of ICT scale among adolescents. V: GÓMEZ CHOVA, Louis (ur.), LÓPEZ MARTÍNEZ, A. (ur.), CANDEL TORRES, I. (ur.). ICERI 2017 : conference proceedings, 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville (Spain), 16-18 November 2017. cop. 2017, str. 3231-3234.
  • ŠPERNJAK, Andreja, KOS, Tina, DOLENŠEK, Jurij. Entrepreneurship in higher education. V: RUSEK, Martin (ur.). PBE 2019 : Projektové vyučování a další aktivizační strategie ve výuce přírodovědných oborů XVII.: Praktické náměty = Project-based education and other activating strategies in Science education XVII.: Practical topics : 7.-8. 11. 2019, Praha, Prague. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta = Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Education. 2020, str. 63-68,
  • ŠPERNJAK, Andreja, BASTAŠIĆ, T., DOLENŠEK, Jurij. A “fingerbeeper” school monitoring device. V: SKALA, Karolj (ur.). MIPRO 2019 : 42nd International Convention, May 20 -24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka: Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics – MIPRO. 2019, str. 947-950.

In the field of integration into society and social events, the members of the Chair participate in the work of commissions and expert committees at the state level (Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia; Examination Center of the Republic of Slovenia) and we also participate in teacher training. At the Chair we successfully create a network of connections between faculty, school principals, teachers and students who are potential teachers in education. Members of the Chair successfully participate in the preparation and publication of textbooks and workbooks for primary and secondary education. 

We also demonstrate the quality of our work through the exchange of foreign students who choose our subjects every year as part of the Erasmus+ program. 

We offer trainings for already employed teachers, but we also participate in trainings abroad and establish contacts with foreign experts (Finland, Norway, Czech Republic, Spain, Croatia, Germany, Cyprus, Montenegro…), so that we observe and introduce modern methods and ways of teaching also in the Slovenian area. 

Not only do we train for work in primary and secondary schools, but we already have an enviable number of PhD students in biological education, so we will continue to strive to remain leaders in this field. 


And why not join us? 

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