In collaboration with kindergartens and primary and secondary schools we organize lessons and workshops in the Vivarium which enable children to research different kind of living organisms. We also try to encourage their interest and a respectful attitude to the nature in general.
The lesson program “Experiential learning of the animals” lasts two school hours and is divided into three parts:
- presentation of organisms in a fun way and researching their characteristics through various experiments,
- guided tour in the Vivarium,
- feeding different kind of animals.
The content of the program is adapted to the developmental level of the children. Lessons are held by appointment using the pre-filled and sent application form, which can be found at the link below.
The contribution is 4,00 €/visitor, the bank transfer is required to account no. 01100-6000020490 open at UJP Slovenska Bistrica within 30 days of the service.
The money is intended for the purchase of food for the animals.
Send the application form to:
mag. Bojana Mencinger Vračko
Faculty of Science and Mathematics UM
Koroška cesta 160
2000 Maribor
The workshop “Adaptation of the animals to land and water environment” is organized for pupils and students during the FNM open door week in January. The program lasts three school hours and includes:
- presentation and learning about different animals which live in water and on land,
- guided tour in the Vivarium,
- experimental work.
It is necessary to register for the workshop in advance (link to the FNM website). The contribution is 4,00 €/visitor, the bank transfer is required to account no. 01100-6000020490 open at UJP Slovenska Bistrica within 30 days of the service. The money is intended for the purchase of materials for experiments.
Vivarij FNM je namenjen študentom biologije, ekologije z naravovarstvom, izobraževalne biologije, predšolske vzgoje in razrednega pouka. Kot bodoči vzgojitelji in učitelji ter strokovnjaki za ekologijo in naravovarstvo se na tak način neposredno spoznavajo z organizmi in urijo pri delu z njimi.
Tak “laboratorij narave” zahteva posebno skrb: hranjenje in nego živali, vzdrževanje in čiščenje opreme, pa tudi spremljanje razvoja rastlin in živali. Aktivnosti se izvajajo tudi ob koncu tedna in med prazniki, ko je fakulteta zaprta.
Pri vsem tem sodelujejo študenti in diplomanti. To je tudi zagotovilo, da bodo suvereno prenašali spoznanja o odgovornem odnosu do ostalih živih bitij in narave nasploh v prakso.