General Information

Ecology is the science about interactions, which define distributions of organisms, their abundances, and why they are found there. Ecologists study interactions between organisms and their environment on many different scales: from a single organism to the complex interactions within diverse communities; from a microhabitat of a rock crevice to the biomes of the Earth. Answers for mentioned questions where?, how many?, why? are important for understanding current, elucidating past and predicting future ecological processes.

What does ecology have to do with each one of us?

Numerous fields within ecology (e.g. population, landscape, functional, theoretical ecology) and its interdisciplinarity (with e.g. biogeography, evolution, genetics) help us to understand and improve our environment, as well as to protect natural resources and manage them in a sustainable way.

Our research topics are also subjects of student theses.  We collaborate with researchers from Slovenia and abroad.

Our research interests

Bioinvasions – we study occurrences of non-native, invasive species, their invasiveness and invasibility of their habitats in the introduced range. We seek to understand the interactions between native and non-native species, as well as interactions among non-native species. Osredotočamo se na interakcije  med avtohtonimi in tujerodnimi vrstami ter med tujerodnimi vrstami samimi. We largely explore urban and suburban environments and forest fragments. Research work takes place in the field and in the laboratory. We are interested in many non-native organisms – plants, beetles, signal crayfish, domestic cats and others.

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