General Information

Since 2014, the Department of Educational Chemistry has been subordinated to the Department of Biology. We have been successfuly providing education and training to the future chemistry teachers since the establishment of the Faculty of Education in 1986. You can read more about the history, see History – Faculty of Education, UM.

Throughout this time, we follow the four pillars of learning (Delors), which in their entirety should ensure the success of educational work and professional development of teachers:
– Learn to know. Gaining a foundation for understanding.
– Learn to know how to work.. Acting creatively in your environment.
– Learning to know how to live in a community. Contribute your part and collaborate with others in all human activities.
– Learn to be.

The unified five-year master’s program Subject Teacher – Department of Educational Chemistry is a modern evolution of all previous programs that have trained teachers of chemistry. We conduct the program thoroughly, comprehensively, and with a profound interweaving of the professional-chemical, pedagogical-psychological, and subject-didactic areas.

We have been cooperating with the staff of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology for many years in the implementation of the course, which is designed to be transparent. Professional fields thus offer modern content that provides our graduate with good employment opportunities outside of educational institutions too. Read more here.

Upon completion of the program, the student is awarded the title of Master Professor for any combination of two selected fields. With additional training, you can also obtain a license to teach Science 6 and Science 7 in elementary schools. Find out more here .

Our research areas of interest are:

The subject didactic area of chemistry education focuses on teaching at the primary and secondary levels with particular attention to the questions “How do students learn chemistry? How can chemistry be taught? How can students be supported to achieve the best possible learning outcomes? “ In the Department of Educational Chemistry, we conduct research in the field of chemical education with regard to the development of learning strategies, active learning, collaborative work, and the development of laboratory skills. We build chemical concepts at the macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic levels, connecting them together and making them understandable. We explore different approaches to facilitate and better understand the teaching and learning of chemistry. We also look at visualizing chemical phenomena using models to facilitate conceptual understanding, as well as using various modern technologies and approaches.


Department members
Janja Majer
Assoc. Prof. Janja Majer Kovačič
Petra Peranić-srednja
Petra Peranić, Laboratory technician
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