Behavioral, cellular, and neurochemical approach in studying neurodegenerative disorders

-International school supported by International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Biology-


24th – 30th July 2023

Petnica Science Center, Valjevo, Serbia



The Behavioral, cellular, and neurochemical approach in studying neurodegenerative disoreders School is an intensive one-week demonstrative and hands-on laboratory practice school. Aim is to provide a broad knowledge in the field of neurobiology of neurodegenerative disorders and selected methods commonly applied in neurobiological and neurochemical research.

The School is intended for Bachelor and Master students in biology, medicine, pharmacology, biochemistry, chemistry, and related fields. Main focus of the School is to demonstrate and train participants to perform the most used methods in neurobiology from behavioral down to cellular level. Through a combination of lectures from experts in the field and laboratory practice, participants will acquire knowledge and skills that will benefit them in their future research.


Application closes on June 10th 2023 at 23:59 (CET).
To apply for the School follow the link: 


Please find the School program in the attachment. 

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